Liam Middlebrook - Game Developer


SSL and Nginx With Let's Encrypt

30 Dec 2015

I've owned the domain since last February, but I haven't taken the time to do much with it. When Let's Encrypt was released I set up a mail server on rubberduck. Today I got around to setting up HTTPS connections for rubberduck. Now you can securely view anything hosted at!

The process to do this was fairly simple since I already had Let's Encrypt set up.

  1. Change the listen port to 443 instead of 80

    #listen 80;
    listen 443;
  2. Enable SSL Authentication

    ssl on;
  3. Point Nginx to the Certificate and Key files

    ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/<DOMAIN>/fullchain.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/<DOMAIN>/privkey.pem;

    These file paths may be different for you depending on how you have Let's Encrypt configured.

  4. If you want to allow both http and https connections to your server you'll have to change the following.

    listen 80;
    listen 443 ssl;
    #ssl on;

That's it! You should now allow https connections to your Nginx configuration with Let's Encrypt!