- When does code you create become copyrighted?
As soon is you write it. Typically people say when it's saved to the disk, but that could be easily taken advantage of by forcing workers to work in RAMDISK environments in order to exploit free code from them.
- If you could wave a magic wand, and open source any piece of proprietary software, what software would you choose?
Microsoft Windows, in hopes that it would improve the Open Source development support on Windows.
- If the software above was open sourced, would it’s company remain stable? How would the company continue to make money?
I don't think Microsoft would have a problem remaining stable, to my understanding they make a lot of money off of services.
- What do you feel like was the most beneficial thing to learn in the class?
Trademark and Patent Law.
- Explain the some of the motivations a company may have to open source software?
A security company can prove it's legitimacy through opening their source.
- Are there any changes you would suggest making to the profile template? What parts did you find most interesting or important?
I think that the community section would need to be extended more. I think having a full commarch report would be useful.
- If you could have spent more time, say an extra week, on any topic, which would you have liked to cover more in depth?
I would have liked to spend time on Non-Disclosure and Non-Compete Agreements.
- Why are you using license insert license X here for your open source project?
I don't have a default license for my projects. I feel that licenses should be chosen based on the intended use of the software.
- If you would suggest a video to be watched as part of this course, what would it be?
Yes, I think we should watch my birth prophecy, Hackers