Bradley M. Kuhn.
Anthony K. Sebro, Jr.
Denver Gingerich
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Software Freedom Law Center.
What / Where
Comprehensive GPL Guide Section 12.1 Open Source Case for Business: Advocacy
The Gist
This basically talks about how GPL can be used in different cases for software and then going onto how Open Source can help with businesses.
The Good
Governs development and distribution, not use.
Short articles.
Open Source is all around us.
The Bad
No smooth transitions.
Mentioning software that isn't relevant doesn't help readers.
The Questions
Is the data behind the claims made provided anywhere?
How can we show companies that
FOSS != !($)
In Review
Solid read, definitely would recommend to anyone starting their own FOSS project that has potential for money-dollars. 9/10