Richard Fontana Bradley M. Kuhn Eben Moglen Matthew Norwood Daniel B. Ravicher Karen Sandler James Vasile Aaron Williamson
A Legal Issues Primer for Open Source and Free Software Projects
Published on June 2008
The Gist
A brief guide on different Free Software licenses that have been released by the Free Software Foundation. This guide goes over descriptions of how the licenses work and some situations in which to choose those licenses.
The Good
Gives a solid overview of FSF Liceneses
Gives references for later reading
Gives simple differences between the licenses
The Bad
Strong emphasis on GPL
Doesn't define things very well
No real examples were given
The Questions
Why are companies allowed to have non-compete clauses?
What things should be included in GPLv4?
Will we see liceneses appear more frequently as time goes on or will creation slow down after time?
In Review
I think this was a great source and I'll probably check back on it if I ever have questions about the different copyleft licenses.