Kirby Ferguson
Everything is a Remix
Published on YouTube June 25, 2012
The Gist
Everything that is modern media is in one way or another a remix of an existing work. This is easily apparent in baselines or chords of popular music. A memorable message that was presented halfway through the film is "Creation Inspires Influence."
The Good
Split into different parts for more digestable viewing.
Abundance of examples to help keep viewers engaged.
Mentions copying and remixes in inventions that aren't necesarily media.
The Bad
Lots of examples, sometimes to the point where the video felt repetitive.
The Questions
At what point did Copyright, Patents, and Intellectual Property become more harmful than their origional intentions?
Is it wrong for companies to lobby for extending copyright and patent law expirations
In Review
Everything is a remix gives a great overview of how everything in modern culture is in one way a remix or rework of previous works. I like how towards the end the video went into how some of the legal aspects of copyright work. I'd give this video a 9/10 water bottles.