I'm starting the process of moving my things back
onto the RIT campus. Earlier tonight I decided
I was going to start preparing my server to be
transported, the first step logically being to turn it off.
Upon SSHing into the machine I was greeted with IO
errors every time I tried to execute a command
that was located in /sbin/
After a quick google I found this blog post Linux force reboot/shutdown
Essentially to force a halt or reboot in the
Linux kernel without using any commands located
in /sbin/
you have to echo values into the processor.
First off we need to enable sysrq
(System Request)
which will allow us to send requests to the processor.
To do that just enter the following command
echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq
- Forcing the computer to halt (shutdown)
echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger
- Forcing the computer to restart
echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger