In my Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software course we are researching the 4th Grade math curriculum for students in both Massachusetts and New York. Our assignment involved reading over a few texts the covered both curricula. I have included links to those texts below:
- http://hfoss-fossrit.rhcloud.com/static/decks/nysp12cclsmath-grade4only.pdf
- http://hfoss-fossrit.rhcloud.com/static/decks/nysp12cclsmath.pdf
- http://hfoss-fossrit.rhcloud.com/static/decks/MA-0111-grade4only.pdf
- http://hfoss-fossrit.rhcloud.com/static/decks/MA-0111.pdf
Both curricula are designed to cover the same topics, and because of that largely have the same information. A lot of the examples used in the documents are shared between states, which I believe is a good thing because it helps unify education across regions, rather than separate it.
I did not notice any differences (apart from wording) in the texts for the 4th Grade Mathematics Curriculum.
Useful Information
I think that the section covering number operations in base ten will be most useful for my groups game. It will be easy enough programmatically to multiply and divide multi-digit numbers in base 10. Also given the nature of how my team's game is designed we should be able to have levels progress in an order that reinforces the four basic math operations and their uses.