Liam Middlebrook - Game Developer


HW: Bugfix

24 Feb 2014

For my Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software class I was assigned to find a bug in a GitHub repository and to submit a pull request with a patch for the bug.  About a month ago I had discovered a python game development library known as Spyral. I have been watching Spyral for the past few weeks and decided to find a bug that was simple enough for someone with my python experience to handle. Here is a link to the pull request that I submitted to Spyral.

When I submitted my pull request I had a great experience interacting with the lead developer acbart. He answered my question within a day of me submitting the pull request and helping to think out a solution to the issue that the bug presented. While ultimately my bugfix has not been implemented, I'd like to think that by submitting it I helped acbart work out a framework design choice for Spyral.